Race Information

School Teams

Each school can enter a maximum of two teams. Teams are composed of four competitors. The best three competitors from each team run to count in the race. Substitutions can be made in the event of injury or illness. All competitors must be under the supervision of an adult who will be responsible for them at all times. Under 12’s / Under 10’s can enter but are not included in the overall team event, however they are included in the fun team parallel slalom.

Ski Race Insurance

 You and your team must have the correct cover for partaking in the races.  Please see details below from MPI.

 From MPI – especially for the British Schoolboys Races…

For specialist ski insurance, including cover for ski racing, training and gate keeping.

Make sure you choose the total dates of travel and wintersports option, which will provide the cover you require for taking part in the races – no need to choose the ski racing extension, choosing the wintersports option will provide the cover you require for this level of racing.

Click here to obtain a quote with an online discount – https://retail.mpibrokers.com/BSBR or call 01428 664265 to speak to one of the team.

Ski Race Insurance

 You and your team must have the correct cover for partaking in the races.  


British Schoolboys International Races 2025
25 January to 29 January 2025
Wengen, Switzerland

Saturday 25th January 2025

Pre booked DHO training

Arrival day     

Sunday 26th January 2025

Pre booked DHO training                                                     

09.00 Gate Training Lanes                                                     

14.00 Gate Training Lanes                                                     

17.00 Welcome meeting reception – Q & A session in DHO club room                                 

Eiger Residence opposite the station, teachers and coaches only.

Team entries for fun parallel slalom.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Monday 27th January 2025

Pre booked DHO training

09.00 Gate Training Lanes

13.00 Fun Team parallel including Under 12’s / 10’s

Piste TBA

17.30 Team captains meeting Hotel Regina

All racers should be represented – teams by one adult only

Tuesday 28th January 2025

10.00 1st Run Giant Slalom – Under 12’s / 10’s

1st Run Giant Slalom Under 14’s and above

2nd Run Giant Slalom Under 12’s / 10’s

TBA 2nd Run Giant Slalom Under 14’s and above

17.30 Team captains meeting Hotel Regina

Wednesday 29th January 2025

10.00 1st Run Slalom Under 14’s and above

1st Run Stubby Slalom Under 12’s / U10’s

2nd Run Stubby Slalom Under 12’s / U10’s

TBA 2nd Run Slalom Under 14’s and above

18.00 Prize giving in Kino Cinema

Championship Committee

Rachel Eastwood        

Nige Greenfield

Judy Reid                     

Gwyneth Watson

Wengen Piste Map

Wengen Piste Map

Terms and Conditions

The races will take place on the Lauberhorn piste in Wengen, weather permitting, and are open to all British schools and clubs through National Ski Councils.  The races are entered on the British Race Calendar and will be eligible for BASS seed points.  Competitors eligible for BASS points are those born between 2004 to 2017 inclusive.  Under 12’s / Under 10’s, including girls, will also be accepted.  Competitors wishing to make an entry must be in full time education.

Entries for the British Schoolboys Races should be made individually or by school teams of which they are members and signed by a teacher or a parent to whom the competitor is responsible.  ALL competitors MUST be in the charge of an adult who is in the resort and who is responsible for them at all times

Travel – Entering Switzerland

As government are regularly reviewing Covid tests required for travel, we would suggest that you check the current government guidance. https://www.gov.uk/corona

For guidance on Health Insurance Cards go to https://www.gov.uk/global-health-insurance-card

Transfers from any Swiss airport can be arranged on request.

Insurance and Athlete’s Declaration forms

The entry is submitted for the racers named and confirms that the racer agrees to abide by the British Competition Rules as well as submitting an Athlete’s Declaration when registering with BASS or given to the organisers if unregistered.  He must also have sufficient and adequate insurance covering withdrawal from the race and event cancellation, proof of which must be available with the entry.  Costs incurred (entry fees and lift passes) will not be reimbursed by the organisers.  The race organisation cannot be held liable for inadequate insurance cover.

Parents of all non-BASS registered competitors, unless submitted previously, will be required to sign an Athlete’s Declaration, which can be found on the web sites mentioned below.

www.downhillonly.com   www.gbski.com

The Jungfrau Sport Pass must be paid to the DHO no later than 1 January 2025 in order that we benefit from the group rate.  The entry fees must also be paid by this date.

  • Full payment of entry and uplift ski pass if required.
  • Signed Athlete’s Declaration (where applicable)
  • Proof of Insurance (photocopy)

Changes may be made to this programme without prior notice and responsibility for such changes cannot be accepted by the organisers.  Entries must be sent by email to eastwoodrachel@hotmail.co.uk priority will be given to school entries which can be made by the school.  Unregistered racers must be clearly marked if they have never been registered for BASS  points.  A list of unregistered racers will then be circulated before the first team captains meeting for agreement by the meeting.

The DHO is an affiliated member of Snowsport England and follows Snowsport England’s Safeguarding Policy Snowsafe.  This along with the DHO Data Protection Policy can be found on the DHO website. Entries other than team entries will be allocated on a first come first served basis.  Entries will only be accepted with full payment as detailed above.  Entries must be made on the entry form before that date with each racer named and signed by the responsible person agreeing to these terms and conditions.  The official notice board will be in the lobby of the Hotel Regina, all entry data and teams will be posted on the board, any corrections must be notified to the organisers by 4.30 pm Sunday before the team captains meeting at 5.30 pm. Race officials headquarters will be: Hotel Regina Wengen


Falken Hotel Falken
Hotel Falken
Regina Hotel
Hotel Regina
Bellevue Hotel
Bellevue Wengen
Victoria Lauberhorn Hotel
Victoria Lauberhorn Wengen
Hotel Bernerhof
Bernerhof Wengen
Silberhorn Hotel
Silberhorn Wengen

As in 2024, accommodation will be available in a number of hotels in Wengen offering a group rate.  A list of hotels will be listed and circulated to participating schools in order that bookings can be made direct by the participating schools. Bookings can be arranged through the tourist office.  The group rate will only be available for a fixed period of time and the number of beds in each hotel is restricted.  In order to guarantee a booking a deposit will have to be paid by the end of October.

The hotels would like to limit contact with the schools to one named person only.  They need to be advised of any special dietary requirements at the time of booking.  Skis and boots must not be worn inside the hotel but left as indicated by the hotel. There are a limited number of beds in each hotel so a first come first served will apply and will only be reserved with a deposit before 31 October 2024.

Hotel Falken Wengen +41 33 856 51 21 info@hotelfalken.com

Hotel Regina Wengen +41 33 856 58 58 reservation@hotelregina.ch

Bellevue Wengen +41 33 856 66 55 info@bellevue-wengen.ch

Victoria-Lauberhorn Wengen +41 33 856 29 29 wengen@arenasresorts.com

Bernerhof Wengen +41 33 855 27 21 bernerhof@wengen.com

Silberhorn Wengen +41 33 856 5131 hotel@silberhorn.ch

When making a booking advise the hotel you are attending the British Schoolboys Races so they will give you a discounted rate.

All others may wish to arrange accommodation through the Tourist Office  CH – 3823 Wengen Switzerland

Tel: +41 33 856 85 85  e-mail: info@wengen.ch

Lift passes

Special group rate lift passes for all, only available through the race organisation as in previous years, rates as shown on the entry form, payment with entry.  When your entry has been received you will be sent a voucher which must be presented to the Wengen station and lift passes will be given in exchange.

Training Pistes

We will allocate training lanes as last season so that everyone receives a fair time for training which will commence on Sunday 26th January 2025, using the pistes which have been allocated to us. We cannot give exclusivity to any one team and trainers will have to cooperate with other school teams in the training area. Nearer to the date we will set up a What’s App group and take training lane requests.


This year we can offer race training and race support with DHO Racing & Training from Saturday 25th January 2025 for your school teams and or individuals. If you would like to book your school please email Nige manager@dhoracing.com

  The Wengeneralpbahn wish to remind competitors that skiing outside of racing and training areas must be at reduced speed with due care and attention to the general public and other people on the piste.


Medals will be awarded to the first three individuals in each discipline and in each of the following categories, Junior under 21 and under 18, Children under 16, under 14 and under 12.  British school team medals are awarded based on combined results.  Teams are composed of 4 skiers, best 3 to count, max 2 teams per school.  

All entries for all events must be made online.  Team substitutions can be made in the event of injury or illness.  An acceptance list will be published on the website during the early part of January 2025 or on www.gbski.com.  Any questions should be addressed to Rachel Eastwood via the contact details.

The Team

Race Administration

Rachel Eastwood,  +447801429171

Email: eastwoodrachel@hotmail.co.uk

Further Information

Terms and Conditions

British Schoolboy’s Races

Race Information End

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