Start of the season 2023/24

Picture of David Orf

David Orf

January Update

Hello everyone, the snow and the conditions have been their usual fickle selves, however, all in all as usual it is magnificent to be in the mountains, in Wengen and with the DHO.
A big thanks to Johnny and Catherine for getting the season going and providing as much ski leading as possible.
This year another new face has been on the ski leading scene; Mr Mark Hall. He’ll be back for fortnight from the 24th of Feb.
Mark Hall
Here’s what he had to say about his first visit:
‘In to the void we went. Pretty tough start to the week.  The misty claggy 20m visibility of Mannlichen/Lager/ Gummies pistes was our first two days of skiing. Bluebird skies great on pist conditions and powdery side pistes then followed. No time now for coffee or apple strudels as we covered both Wengen and Murren pistes through to the weekend. Preparations for the Lauberhorn world cup took place whilst we skied. Then we were treated to amazing closeup views of World Cup downhill and Super G races. An excellent week.’ Mark Hall  
Unsurprisingly, he wasn’t making it up, some real minging conditions greeted me, however the week finished in true majestic style.
What’s coming up for Inferno week. Well the Inferno Downhill is on Saturday the 27/1 and I’m glad to say the support team plans and preparations are well under way. We’re going to miss you Katrina and we do hope you’re up to skiing again soon Neil. 
The Inferno racers are arriving throughout the week – some bibs and passes and pins and badges and stickers have already been collected. This week racers can collect their race stuff from 4pm in the club room in Wengen. Wednesday evening we Marguerite as always showing us all real grit and competing in the combination, cross country in Murren Village. Go Marguerite, Go!!
Thursday in the club room will be Inferno Team Meeting and and registration for the Eastwood Trophy on Friday – this race will run from the Lauberhorn Start Hut down to the reservoir; there is a 10chf entry fee and there will be prizes on the day! -Best of 2 runs. FYI, although pre-registration is prefered there will be an arrive an race option.
Have a great week everyone. Beaming hearts send love from the DHO and Wengen.

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