The DHO – BASS Seeded Races

Offering a valuable opportunity to gain ranking prior to the British Nationals, using the world famous Lauberhorn race track

We are sorry to announce that the Races are cancelled
Due to circumstances beyond our control


Organising Team Maureen and Richard Berry
Championship Committee

Richard Berry (Chairman) 

Maureen Berry

Nigel Greenfield

Sarah Hoyle


Sunday 17 March 2024

Arrival day          

18.00 Welcome meeting Draw and reception in DHO club room                                                         

Eiger Residence opposite the station- adults only

Monday 18 March 2024                                                                                  

09.00 Piste inspection and pole training                                                   

14.00 Super Giant Slalom                                                          

18.00 Team Captains meeting venue TBA      

Tuesday 19 March 2024

09.00 Course Inspection

14.00 Super Giant Slalom

18.00 Team captains meeting venue TBA

All racers should be represented – teams by one adult only

Wednesday 20 March

10.00 1st Run Giant Slalom

TBA 2nd Run Giant Slalom

Prize Giving in the finish area after the race

Entries Close 10th March 2024

Terms and Conditions

The races will take place on the Lauberhorn piste in Wengen, weather permitting, and are open to all comers under 16 and clubs through National Ski Councils and countries affiliated to the FIS.  The races are entered on the British Race Calendar and will be eligible for BASS seed points.  Competitors eligible for BASS points are those born after 2008 or under 16 years of age for boys and girls, will also be accepted and will have three events two Super Giant and one Giant Slalom.  Competitors wishing to make an entry must be in full time education.

Entries for the British BASS Seeded races should be made individually or by school teams of which they are members and signed by teacher or parent to whom the competitor is responsible.  ALL competitors MUST be in the charge of an adult who is in the resort and who is responsible for them at all times. 

Insurance and athlete’s declaration forms

All competitors need to provide proof of insurance, which must include cover for withdrawal from the race and event cancellation, with the entry form.  Entry fees and lift passes are non-refundable.

Parents of all non-BASS registered competitors, unless submitted at a previous race, will be required to sign an Athlete’s Declaration, which can be found on the links below.

For your entry to be processed we can supply lift passes at a group rate and race entry, no later than 10 March 2024

  • Full payment of entry and uplift ski pass if required.
  • Signed Athlete’s Declaration (where applicable)
  • Proof of Insurance (photocopy)



If you need ski tuning facilities in Wengen follow the link

Changes may be made to this programme without prior notice and responsibility for such changes cannot be accepted by the organisers.  Entries must be sent by email to; priority will be given to entries which can be made by 10 February 2024.  Unregistered racers must be clearly marked if they have never been registered for BASS points.

The entry is submitted for the racers named and confirms that the racer agrees to abide by the British Competition Rules as well as submitting an Athletes Declaration when registering with BASS or given to the organisers if unregistered.  He /she must also have sufficient and adequate insurance covering withdrawal from the race and event cancellation, proof of which must be available with the entry.  Costs incurred (entry fees, lift passes will not be reimbursed by the organisers.  The race organisation cannot be held liable for inadequate insurance cover, see our insurance sponsor’s link 

  The DHO has a Child Protection Policy and data protection in place which can be found on the website.  Entries will be allocated on a first come first served basis.  Entries will only be accepted with full payment as detailed above.  Entries must be made on the entry form before that date with each racer named and signed by the responsible person agreeing to these terms and conditions.  The official notice board will be in the lobby of the DHO club room, all entry data will be posted on the board, any corrections must be notified to the organisers by 4.30 pm Sunday before the team captains meeting at 6 pm.

Accommodation through the Tourist Office  CH – 3823 Wengen Switzerland

Lift passes

Special group rate lift passes for all, only available through the race organisation as always, rates as shown on the entry form, payment with entry.


Inspection has been arranged for Monday prior to the first race.  Training area will be provided for competitors to train on in preparation for the race days.  Individual or group race training can only be arranged by contacting the chief of race Nigel Greenfield at the email address shown on the entry form.  We cannot give exclusivity to any one team and trainers will have to cooperate with other groups in the training area.  The Wengeneralpbahn wish to remind competitors that skiing outside of racing and training areas must be at reduced speed with due care and attention to the general public and other people on the pistes.


Prizes will be awarded to the first three individuals in each discipline and in each of the following categories, Junior under 16 and under 14

An acceptance list will be published on the DHO website and on .  Any questions should be addressed to Richard or Maureen Berry via the contact details.


Transfers from any Swiss airport can be arranged at a group rate from the Swiss Travel Centre.  Details can be found on the DHO racing website or


About the Races

These races will be held on the iconic Lauberhorn World Cup Downhill piste in Wengen

2 x Super Giant Slalom & 1 x Giant Slalom – Starting from the Lauberhorn downhill start hut all 3 races will include the Russisprung

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