Inferno 2024 report

January 27th 2024, INFERNO day! It’s only one run, it’s only one day, it’s one hell of a build up. One of this years racers decided to raise money for the Forget me knot children’s hospice he blew through his target however if you did miss the chance to support then you can here: Paul Buckingham is fundraising for FORGET ME NOT CHILDREN’S HOSPICE (
Training, a big part of the build up. But how! Most of the year I can’t build my bravery
because I can’t schuss the end or the gun barrel every day! However you can practice running up hill. Here’s a short video of Rosie passing me this year, you can’t impact the support but you can be stronger, fitter, healthier! If you want to be. 
Waiting is also big in the build up. Waiting for a bib is the main one! The 80th Inferno eventually arrived and was amazing! The weather couldn’t have been much kinder although the heat and the delays meant very warm well used and moved snow for our last racers, Russell came down after the schnapps had ran out and the start tent was already being dismantled! We didn’t forget you Russell and Conor but we promise to be more visible next year. Viv on the other hand came down around 9am and by 3pm was apparently up for doing it again! Not something I can ever imagine. For this year the 79th Inferno the snow was fast a lot of the day, although fast can be scary and does not always translate to a faster time – sometimes because you break, sometimes because you crash! The Downhill only team was excellent once again and I felt that everyone gave it their all, and from conversation a lot of people want to give it even more next year!
As a team we were very impressed with our fastest normal people Catherine Gay and Thomas Baguley, our fastest Lady was Marguerite Nice and our Fastest Woman was Viv Stewart. Fastest man was James Lynch, Fastest Gentleman was John Quinn and our fastest mature bloke was Bruce Lynch. What a team!
40 team members, 37 racers, 19 bronze, 4 Silver badges! What a result.
Each year we award the DHO Inferno Trophy to a member of the team who stood out, who shone, who achieved. Now in a race where nobody loses this isn’t always easy. After some remanating, voting and chatting we decided to thank Catherine for supporting people to the very end, to give a big well done to James (W) for finishing the race with a gash in his leg and to award the Huge trophy to to Alex Salden, who after a number of attempts at getting down the course uninjured this year he completed the course without injury, without missing a gate and without falling too dramatically – well done Alex, you done good!

Photographs can be found at the official site here Alpha Photo (

And Here  (alongside pictures from the Eastwood Trophy too): Inferno 2024 – Google Drive

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