The Downhill Only Club is committed to Safeguarding the welfare of Children, Young People and Adults who engage in all Snowsport activities.
Our instructors, coaches and other volunteers dedicate their skills, experience, and time to encourage and develop all our skiers.
Statement of Care
The DHO accepts that all children, young people and adults have the following basic rights:
- To be valued as a person
- To be treated with dignity and respect
- To be cared for as a young person
- To be kept safe
The DHO will provide training in which all members feels safe and cared for, is valued, and is treated with dignity and respect.
The DHO will provide a duty of care to help protect each young person from abuse.
Club Welfare Officers
What Club Welfare Officers Do
The DHO Club is fully committed to safeguarding the welfare of children, young people and adults at risk who ski with the club.
The Club Welfare Officer role is to oversee the Safeguarding and welfare of all our members, and to be a point of contact to discuss any concerns.
Sarah, a retired Registered nurse, worked in the NHS for 43 years, 20 years being manager of children’s services.
Anyone who wishes to raise a matter of concern may do so knowing that shallwill deal with it sensitively, confidentially,discreetly and with honesty
Report a concern:-
Phone Sarah on +44 7860593472
Or complete the reporting form below to raise your concern.
The DHO Club (Racing and Training) Club is an affiliated member of Snowsport England and follows Snowsport England’s Child Protection Policy SnowSafe – Children and Young People.
For best practice and guidance documents please visit the Snowsport England website where further information for parents, children, athletes and coaches can be found.
Snowsport England’s Safeguarding Lead is: Mark Vaughn – Telephone +44 7462 156784
Downhill Only Club Policies
SnowSport England Policies
SnowSafe Children Policy – Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy – Reviewed by DHO Board July 2024
SnowSafe Adults – Safeguarding Adults Policy – Reviewed by DHO Board July 2024
SnowSafe Adults Procedures – Safeguarding Adults’ Procedures – Reviewed by DHO Board July 2024
Snowsport England Safeguarding Lead
Mark Vaughan
07462 156784
Raise a Safeguarding Concern with SnowSport England

Contacts for Safeguarding
Police – emergency: 999
Police – non emergency: 101
Emergency in the EU & Switzerland: 112
Child Protection in Sport Unit: 0116 234 7278 /
24 hour helpline for children: 0800 1111
adults concerned about a child call NSPCC: 0800 800 5000
Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP)
advice Line: 0870 000 3344
report on line abuse: please use the CEOP Report Abuse app
advice for children, young people, parents and carers: use ThinkUKnow
help for adults concerned about a child: 0808 800 5000
help for children and young people call Childline: 0800 1111
Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU) – provides up to date advice, guidance and good practice on safeguarding children in sport
helpline: 116 123
parent advice line: 07496 682785
provide information, guidance and good practice for safeguarding adults in sport
The Downhill Only Club is committed to Safeguarding the welfare of Children, Young People and Adults who engage in all Snowsport activities.
Our instructors, coaches and other volunteers dedicate their skills, experience, and time to encourage and develop all our skiers.