Nearly There

Picture of Andrew Davies

Andrew Davies

It seems the winter is always of mixed emotions! Blue skies and fresh snow days or grey damp skies with low visibility and ice. We all look forward to seeing friends but we are also reminded of those we will miss, either recently or not.

I am soon to be doing the long journey out to Wengen; exciting. On my own as Lachlan and Hayley will stay in Scotland until the end of the school term: not so happy!

This Saturday I have my BASI continued professional development refresher course which I am quite looking forward to. At the indoor Ski Centre in Braehead Glasgow, Xscape; sadly that is why I am not arriving in Wengen this week.

May all your preparations for Christmas go smoothly.

Check this out:

Freestyle Fanatics

If you want to practice this stuff in Wengen then you can go to the White Elements snow park in First –

White Elements

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